You Really Can Catch More Bees with Honey Than Vinegar!
/ Mar132017There’s a powerful lesson in learning to stand tall in your integrity… even when the actions of others make it difficult to do.
Hint: Maybe it helps if we don’t think of honey as sugary sweet, but instead as being a pleasant taste – not bitter or sour. Not salty.
Our culture makes it so easy to retaliate against someone that hurts us, right? If someone rubs us the wrong way, our hit man, aka social media, is waiting to take down the enemy…
But wait!
My experience is that once (verbal or emotional) war is declared, people get wounded on both sides. It can very quickly transition from a battle to an all-out war.
What if you’re assuming that it’s all directly related to YOU and it’s NOT? Sometimes we become so fearful of not measuring up that we personalize negative experiences that don’t actually involve us.
Let’s think of some possible reasons why people become bees (e.g., people that can sting us):
Similar fears of NOT measuring up
Painful loss
Bad attitude towards a bad day
A personal struggle
If you want to have more control over your own mood, don’t be so quick to take ownerships of others’ bad energy… and instead, assume the best about YOU!
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” -Isaac Newton-