Stay Calm & Play Music
/ Mar162017Music has the power to heal and gives us the strength to choose our “emotional tone.”
The teenage years bring about heightened academic demands, physical changes, and pressures to define one’s own identity. In addition, there is a rewiring of the brain for new emotional attachments, more advanced cognitive capabilities, and reproduction. All these changes can create intense emotions and overwhelming mood swings. One of the first steps towards balancing those whirlwind emotions is to learn to be mindful of the positive events we can create throughout our day—if you’re focused on something positive in the present, you’ll be more aware of the positive emotions associated with it. Bringing music into your day can be a positive and energizing way to soothe and comfort. And guess what? The brain absolutely loves music! That’s right, those reward centers deep in the brain love a catchy tune. When pleasurable music is heard, the brain releases dopamine and mood can improve.
Here’s a powerful tip… The key to making a playlist empowering rather than heartbreaking is to choose to listen to songs that move us towards feelings we want to feel. So find empowering lyrics, dance your heart out and sing as though nobody can hear you. Let your own voice be your favorite sound!